

I have never felt so close to a miracle in the Bible before. I have been watching the series The Chosen and I saw one of the miracles differently. This was the miracle of Jesus telling Simon and Andrew to cast their nets on the other side of the boat after a night of fishing with no fish. When they listened to Jesus their nets filled with fish. After the miracle Jesus told them I will make you fishers of men. You will gather and I will sort them out later. Now Jesus is telling us to gather.

Storms of Life

Storms of Life

Often when we experience the storms of life they can come both quickly and unexpectedly, but sometimes they can be seen far off in the distance as the sky turns dark and the temperature drops with the coming storm. Whether this is physically or non-physically speaking these storms impact us in many ways as they vary in form, shape and size. Like the disciples we find ourselves in a boat out at sea when the wind and waves roar and begin to crash into the boat our faith becomes tested. No matter the circumstances, the waves and wind still know His name.

Christianity & Politics

Christianity & Politics

The topic of Christianity and politics has never been an easy subject for many to discuss. Regardless, we see how the subject of politics has affected not only the American church, but also the global church. Politics affects everyone, but I believe as the body of Christ we can discuss politics in a respectful and kind way that comes out from the love of Christ. The light of Christ should be present in all we do and this can definitely be so when it comes to the topic of Christianity and politics. How can we as the church move towards having healthy conversations about faith and politics?

Ministry in Video Gaming

Ministry in Video Gaming

In this month’s blog I wish to talk about “Ministry in Video Gaming” which is a rather new topic for me. I began to voice this out loud in sharing it with others the past few months and also on my Facebook to engage with what others think on this topic. Particularly during the world wide pandemic with COVID-19 the number of people playing games online has dramatically increased and when I say dramatically, I mean dramatically. So what does ministry look like with video gaming?

A Missionaries Goodbye

A Missionaries Goodbye

One of the most difficult challenges for missionaries is to say goodbye to their families moments before they step on a plane to go and serve abroad. While at the same time it is just as difficult for the missionaries family to say goodbye knowing that they will no longer be just a short drive away. This is a reality that faces many missionaries and families of missionaries around the world every day. I am going to share my personal experience with this in this months blog, but also end with a question and solution to “What can we do to help support missionaries and families of missionaries?”

Do we know the Bible

Do we know the Bible

In this month’s blog I reflect on the question of “Do we know the Bible?“ This stems from hearing a sermon preached from Exodus 14 of God rescuing the Israelites from the Egyptians through the Red Seas. A story that perhaps many of us have heard time and time again or have read time and time again. But upon re-reading this passage I realized I had missed a few details of what actually happens during the Israelites rescue. Perhaps you would also like to revisit this passage with me as I share my new revelation with you?

Love Others

Love Others

Love Others. A teaching and commandment that Jesus reiterates multiple times in the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John is to love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as you love yourself. This is also found in the Old Testament in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 & Leviticus 19:18. Yet many of us as Christians struggle with this second command that is equally important to the first being “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” For it was God himself who so loved the world that he gave us his one and only son. So what does the author and creator of love have to say when it comes to loving others?

Ministry in Everything

Ministry in Everything

“Ministry in Everything” has been a phrase going through my mind the past few months. What does it mean that ministry should be taking place in our everyday lives as Christian believers? As I reflect on this question my mind begins filling with many different answers, but ultimately the answer is found by living a life in Christ. This blog entails my thoughts on this phrase in wanting to share how I am becoming more conscious in my day to day life of being a Christian.

The Impact of Calling Part Nine

The Impact of Calling Part Nine

This blog is the ninth and final part to the series on The Impact of Calling. As we have gone through this series you have read different parts of Mikaela and I’s personal testimony when it comes to calling. Now we want to take intentional time with you as the reader when it comes to calling. Furthermore, we want to leave you with the reflective question of calling in your life? Throughout this blog series I personally hope you have taken the time to reflect on the scriptural passages, teaching points, and answered the reflective questions I have posed. There is purpose and value in your life as no one is beyond God’s redemptive purposes and calling. What does The Impact of Calling mean in your life?

The Impact of Calling Part Eight

The Impact of Calling Part Eight

This blog is the eighth part to the series on The Impact of Calling. In this blog we look at three elements of the Apostle Paul’s life. Paul formerly known as Saul, is first mentioned in the New Testament in the book of Acts shortly after the birth of the church as this takes place during the time where Peter, the eleven other apostles, and many other believers resided in Jerusalem and beyond following the Great Commission. Paul was formerly a member of the Jewish Pharisees and uttered threats with every breath and was eager to kill the Lord’s followers. However, Jesus intercedes into his life and redeems and calls Paul for God’s holy purposes. The testimony of Paul’s life further reveals and points to the biblical truth that no one is beyond the reach of God’s redemptive power. What can we learn from Paul when it comes to The Impact of Calling?

The Impact of Calling Part Seven

The Impact of Calling Part Seven

This blog is the seventh part to the series on The Impact of Calling. This blog will be the second part in regards to the previous blog in which read of the events surrounding Peter’s calling in light of each of the four Gospels. Now in this month’s blog we will dig more into Peter’s calling as we explore his faith and the leader of both the early church and of the apostles that he became. Here is when we find Peter boldly stepping forward into the calling that Jesus had placed in his life. To pose this question again, what can we learn from Peter when it comes to The Impact of Calling?

The Impact of Calling Part Six

The Impact of Calling Part Six

This blog is the sixth part to the series on The Impact of Calling. Part six focuses on the impact of calling in the life of the apostle Simon Peter. We read in each of the four Gospels the calling of Jesus’ first disciples, one of them being Peter being the most prominent of all the twelve apostles. It is in the calling of Peter where we see him once being a fisherman becoming one of the primary spokesman for the early church after Jesus ascends to Heaven. In this blog we will be examining events surrounding Peter’s calling in light of each of the four Gospels, rather than just staying in one Gospel. As a result, we get to see a fuller view in my mind of the Impact of Calling that Peter experienced in following Jesus. Thus, this blog will also be broken into two parts because of this as I feel it would be wrong to try compact all of this into one blog, rather than taking the time to share in greater detail and hopefully more simplistic at the same time. What can we learn from Peter when it comes to The Impact of Calling?

The Impact of Calling Part Five

The Impact of Calling Part Five

This blog is the fifth part to the series on The Impact of Calling. This blog will be the final half in regards to the previous blog in which we looked at the life of Jesus in establishing the authority in which Jesus commissions every believer to go and share the Good News. Having to hopefully established Jesus’ authority in commissioning every believer to go and share the Good News in last months blog, we now transition into seeing this lived out in Jesus’s life as an example to all believers in His teaching on love and the Holy Spirit.

The Impact of Calling Part Four

The Impact of Calling Part Four

This blog is the fourth part to the series on The Impact of Calling. Originally this month’s blog would end with the impact of calling Mikaela and I have experienced in our lives, but after some spiritual reflection and positive feedback I received, this blog series will continue on for several more months. After all we have not even dipped into the New Testament for the most part as we have looked at Abraham, David, and Jonah thus far. So transitioning into the New Testament we will look at the life of Jesus in establishing the authority in which Jesus commissions every believer to go and share the Good News.

The Impact of Calling Part Three

The Impact of Calling Part Three

This blog is the third part to the series on The Impact of Calling. Part three focuses on the calling of Jonah, which is a story of an Israelite who initially turns away from God’s calling. Through the story of Jonah, we see the sovereignty of God that He is in control regardless of the situation, even if we think we are in control. The impact of the calling of Jonah illustrates that as believers it can be a natural reaction in being afraid, having doubts, or even disagreeing with God’s calling in our lives enough to turn away in the opposite direction. What can we learn from Jonah when it comes to The Impact of Calling?

The Impact of Calling Part Two

The Impact of Calling Part Two

This blog is the second part to the series on The Impact of Calling. Part two focuses on the calling of David, which is a remarkable story of faith as David obeys God with godly courage in facing obstacles relating to his faith journey. The impact of calling in David’s life points to the importance of trusting in God when “faith opportunities“ present themselves to us. What can we learn from David when it comes to The Impact of Calling?

The Impact of Calling Part One

The Impact of Calling Part One

This blog kicks off a four part series on The Impact of Calling. Part one focuses on the calling of Abraham which is a unique story and one that teaches people valuable lessons in how God calls those who respond in faith and obedience such as Abraham does. The story of Abraham is a founding one in Scripture as he is known as the father of all who believe in being the founding father of the first covenant in Genesis. What can we learn from Abraham when it comes to The Impact of Calling?

Jonah's Heart Issue

Jonah's Heart Issue

The story of Jonah is one of the most well-known stories from the Bible among many people, even those who are nonreligious. However, it is also one of the most misunderstood stories of the Bible as well. In it we find more than just God’s grace being extended to the people of Nineveh, but also God’s prophet Jonah who wrestles with the calling God had commissioned him with. Upon a closer examination of Jonah, we find that his identity is in something other than his faith in God, but an idol that is prevalent even in today’s culture.