
In all that we do, we understand and realize that what God has called us to do in Norway is much bigger than just us. It includes the many people praying for us and the calling that God has placed in our lives. It includes those who encourage us and give us energy to move forward. It includes those who financially support us in pushing forward God’s agenda, not simply our own. The passion that we have to go and serve in Norway is a fire of passion lit by the Spirit of God to go and serve him, his creation in Norway. We cannot say enough how humbled and thankful we are to the many amazing people and churches that have partnered with us in following God’s calling! However, we need more prayer warriors and financial partners to make Norway a reality. A mission that is bigger than just us, a mission that God has called all his followers to in responding to the Great Commission.

Henri Nouwen really gets at the heart of what we wish to convey when it comes to partnership. Nouwen writes in regards to fundraising, “When we ask people for money to strengthen or expand the work of the kingdom, we are also inviting them into a new spiritual communion. Asking for money is a way to call people into this communion with us. It is saying, ‘We want you to get to know us.’ Gathered together by our common yearning, we begin to know this communion as we move together toward our vision” (Nouwen: A Spirituality of Fundraising). It is this spiritual communion we wish to invite you into as we truly want you to get to know us and the heart to do ministry in Norway that God has placed in our lives. The calling and desire to do ministry in Norway is a spiritual longing and a vision that we wish to fulfill in communion with one another.

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
— Matthew 28:18-20 NLT

Norway Pamphlet

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Norway Pamphlet

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Prayer is important to us and we want to ground our ministry in relying on God’s strength and not our own. A great way to know of current praises and request we have is to be signed up for our monthly email newsletter. This can be done by contacting us on our “Contact” page where you can fill out the form requesting to be added to our monthly email newsletter or simply email us directly at

Strategic Prayer Request

  • The Gospel in Norway - Pray for Norwegians and Internationals who do not have a relationship with Christ, that they would come to know and learn the Good News of Jesus.

  • Encouragement - Pray for us as we move forward in our calling to Norway that we would be faithful as God continues to open doors for us.

  • Transition - Pray for our transition into the Norwegian culture that we would adapt to the differences here.

  • Language - Pray for us as we learn the Norwegian language that we would learn quickly and be able to speak fluently.


To make Norway a reality, we humbly ask for your financial support. This enables us to pursue God’s calling in sharing his Word in doing ministry. We are seeking monthly or annual commitments, but also welcome special or one time gifts. Please visit our donate page for more information.