Advisory Board

Shipley Norway Advisory Board - April 2024

Why an Advisory Board?

In the fall of 2018 in conversations with a few individuals about giving further structure and foundation to the ministry, we decided that it would be appropriate to have an Advisory Board. Our prayer is to have an advisory board that is strong in fellowship with one another as to help give encouragement, focus, direction, and godly advice. Each member brings unique and strong characteristics and for this we are incredibly grateful to God for! Our Advisory Board members range from being American, Norwegian and Canadian as it is important for us to have a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural understanding in navigating the challenges of the mission field in Norway and Beyond.

The governing aspects of what we as Shipley Norway do will come from on the ground in Stavanger, Norway being IMI Church who we are partnering with in doing ministry and secondly our European based mission sending agency Kontaktmission. With that being said, the Advisory Board will still have prominence in keeping us grounded and being a valued resource.

Purpose of the Advisory Board

1.     To help keep us accountable on the mission field – In pursuing God’s calling to Norway, we want to have individuals that will help keep us accountable in having Christ honoring actions that we are being true to the ministry.

2.     To help make sure our marriage is healthy – The unity between both of us is significantly important and we realize to have a healthy mission/ministry that our marriage needs to be healthy and strong. To have those in our lives that we know are for us, we want you to check in on us and give marital advice when feel led to do so.

3.     To give wise council and advice – We want to be godly focused and intentional with the calling God has placed before us. As such, we want to have those who will give wise council and advice so that we are being intentional in the ministry.

4.     To strengthen and encourage us – As we take faithful steps forward, this is uncharted territory for us and a new season for us in life. We know that challenges and opposition will come and during those times we want godly individuals to breathe encouragement and endurance into our lives.

5.     To give financial advice – This would entail larger financial purchases such as a car, home, studio renovations, and the financial planning to achieve said such things.

Advisory Board Members

Mark Pike - Daniel McMillen - Steve Williams - Warren Waggener

Steve Bruns - Anne Kristin Bruns - Christian Angell - Victoria Angell

Contacting the Advisory Board

If you wish to contact the Advisory Board, Mark Pike serves as the contact person. Mark presently serves as the Campus Minister at Ball State Christian Student Foundation where we served on staff for several years.

Mark Pike

Phone: 765-748-5798


Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.
— Proverbs 15:22 NLT