Statement of Faith

The Nature of faith

   The nature of faith is strongly grounded in belief of God’s authority, sovereignty, and instructions we find in Scripture. In Genesis 15:6 we read of how Abram believed the covenant promise that the Lord made with him and as a result, the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith. The result of faith leads an individual to confession of the Triune God’s existence and purpose in life and submitting one’s life to God. It is through faith that we are made right with God, not by obeying the law as Paul writes in Romans 3:28.

The Authority of Scripture

   We recognize that the Bible is trustworthy and reliable. As Scripture stands forever and will never fade as we read in Isaiah 40:8. A core doctrine to the authority of Scripture is found in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 in that all Scripture is inspired by God as it teaches us what is true and what is wrong and corrects us when we are wrong and instead to do what is right. It is through Scripture that God prepares and equips his people to do good works.

The Act of Baptism

   Baptism is an act of obedience and a response to God’s saving and redemptive work through his Son Jesus Christ. It is being obedient to Jesus’ words when one becomes a disciple to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as found in Matthew 28:19. When a believer is baptized, they are being baptized into the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as Paul writes of this in Romans 6:1-11. From the beginning, the church has immersed believers into Christ and the church. This ceremony points to the act of God in uniting the believer to Christ.

The Nature of the Church

   The nature of the church is being a part of the body of Christ that consist of believers and which Christ is head of the church. When we as the church suffer, we share in the sufferings of Christ. The church is to “display his (God’s) wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places” and God’s wisdom lying in his redemptive work through his one and only Son Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:10 NLT).

The Nature of Jesus

   The nature of Jesus is that he is one that has existed since the beginning and he is our supreme creator and redeemer (Col 1:15-20). We also believe that the preexistent word became flesh in Jesus. It is by placing our faith in Jesus Christ that we are ultimately made right before God in standing blameless in his presence through Jesus’ sacrificial death. Jesus interceded for humanity’s rebellion and was pierced for our rebellion, our sin (Isa 52:13-53:12). Now he stands in mediating a new covenant between God and people (Heb 9:15).

The Lord’s Table

Communion is a time of remembrance in the saving work of God through his Son Jesus Christ. Jesus came to the world to offer himself to God for our sins and to restore all things and all people to God. The bread represents the body of Jesus which was pierced for us in our rebellion and the cup represents the blood of Jesus poured out as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins (Matt 26:26-28). In taking the bread and drinking the cup, we recognize Jesus as Lord and Savior. That Jesus is indeed the risen Lord.

Sin & Salvation

   Sin separates us from God, it is only by professing faith in Christ Jesus that we are made right with God in receiving salvation. All have sinned and if we claim not to have sinned we are calling God a liar and not living by the truth. We are saved by God’s grace when we believe, as salvation is a gift from God as Paul writes in Ephesians 2:8-9. Sin requires death, but through Jesus Christ we receive eternal life.

The Nature and Purpose of Spiritual Gifts

   The nature of spiritual gifts come from the Holy Spirit as Jesus promised a helper in his place when he ascended to heaven. It is by God’s grace that he gives us these spiritual gifts through his Son Jesus. The purpose of spiritual gifts are that believers are to use the different gifts they receive to build up the church, Jesus’ body. That in unity we would come together strengthening one another and become mature in Christ as Paul writes in Ephesians 4:7-16. The work of the Holy Spirit is to direct people to Jesus and strengthen the church.

For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.
— Colossians 1:19-20 NLT