Christian College vs. Secular College

Christian College vs. Secular College

Hello there! Before you begin to read this blog, I would strongly encourage you to read May’s blog I wrote titled “Campus Ministry” before you read this month’s blog. It will help give further context and clarity of why I chose to write this blog being “Christian College vs. Secular College.” Read to find out why there might not have to be only an option A or B, but also an option C.

The Wilderness

The Wilderness

This blog focuses on my time in reflection of taking some time off the grid and getting out into the “wilderness“ per say. It is easy to get caught up in the routine and business of life, not to mention the distraction technology can be at times as well. I centered this blog on Hosea 2:14-15 in the message of how God leads us into “The Wilderness” at times to help draw us closer to him, but also how we should take the initiative in going out into the wilderness in setting aside a special, purposeful, and intentional time with the Creator.

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry

Across America, secular colleges can carry the reputation of being unsafe for those of Christian faith, however at many of those colleges exist campus ministries where God is doing mighty works in students lives. There are two reasons why I chose to write this blog. First is to share about the importance of campus ministries and second is to raise awareness of the existence of campus ministries across America at secular colleges.

Leader = Servant

Leader = Servant

This blog centers on a college student who asked to interview me about leadership for her class and one of the questions she asked was, “How would you define leadership?” Some may find this question simple or others may find this question quite the challenge as I would be in the later group. However, after that interview I found myself asking, “How would Jesus define leadership?“

Too Busy for God

Too Busy for God

“Too busy for God” was a phrase that ran through my head in the fall of 2019 as I found myself being caught up in the process of working two different ministries being at a campus ministry, support raising for Shipley Norway, a husband, and other life task. In this blog I use Scripture about the gift rest is and a book by Kirk Bryon Jones called “Addicted to Hurry: Spiritual Strategies for Slowing Down.” Are you finding yourself also too busy for God?

A Hope that Never Fails

A Hope that Never Fails

I believe that culturally we look at the New Year as a fresh start, a reset button as it were, to be bolder or to move past things that weigh us down, however often we find that the hope we place in a New Year fails us. What happened? The hope of starting fresh and new? The New Year has barely begun, but in our eyes it has already failed us and so we go through the motions waiting for the next year to roll around to again hope for a better year. However, we can always start fresh with God every day. We don’t have to wait to put our hope in the New Year with the plans that we make that will likely fail us, when we can put our hope into a God that never fails.