Campus Ministry

Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.

1 Timothy 4:12 NLT

   For the past six years I have been involved in campus ministry at the Christian Campus House at Ball State University. The first year being an involved student, the following two years I served as a Worship Ministry Assistant, and the last three have been serving as the Assistant Campus Minister. When I transferred from Ivy Tech, I did not realize that campus ministry was an actual thing and was quite taken aback when I realized how many ministries existed at Ball State. Little did I know as a twenty year old the overwhelming spiritual impact that campus ministry would have on my life when I became involved at the Ball State Christian Campus House (CCH) in the fall of 2013.

   Now being the spring of 2019 as I write this in reflecting on my six years at CCH, I feel incredibly blessed. The two reasons why I chose to write this blog on campus ministry is first to share about the importance of campus ministries. Second is to raise awareness of the existence of campus ministries across the United States at secular colleges.

   During my six years of involvement in campus ministry thus far, it has been amazing to see the impact the ministry has had on students who have come through CCH at Ball State. I have seen freshman come in unsure of themselves in seeking purpose and calling, then see them leave as seniors with strong spiritual maturity in confidence and seeking to utilize their vocation for building the kingdom of God, whether that be in a secular or non-secular work environment. Also in most cases, campus ministries will be connected with campus ministries from other colleges. This has been a great experience for myself as a former student and now as a staff member to meet students and staff from other campus ministries, but also see the impact that these ministries are having in their lives.

How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word.

Psalm 119:9 NLT

   At Ball State Christian Campus House, one of the greatest impacts this ministry has had on my faith and life is the focus on teaching the Word of God and prayer life. When our campus minister Mark Pike or myself meet with students that are going along with the pace of life, facing challenges, or going through hard times, the two questions we will ask them is, “Are you reading your Bible daily and how is your prayer life?” In most cases the student will respond that they have not been reading their Bible daily and their prayer life is okay. Or sometimes they will acknowledge that neither is currently taking place in their life. After knowing the answer, we work to encourage and set up a plan for the student to work on their spiritual walk in these one or two areas.

   I can say that I was indeed a student at one time who did not discipline myself in the practice of reading Scripture daily. Part of my hang up and spiritual immaturity was that I was trying to overcomplicate what it meant to faithfully follow God. In other words, the practice of reading my Bible daily and praying daily was too simple of a way to draw closer to God, there had to be something more complex to following a powerful and amazing God. What I came to discover is the powerful and amazing ways of how God meets us where we are at. That in his grace and mercy he has made a way for all to be made right with him through his one and only Son Jesus and in addition to giving us the Bible, the living Word. When I truly began the practice of reading Scripture daily in addition to my daily prayer life, it had an astounding impact on my faith and CCH brought that faithful revelation to my life. So now when I meet with students who may be struggling in these areas of their faith walk, I do my best to encourage and equip them with getting into a routine of reading the Bible daily and to have an active prayer life.  

   Another unique aspect about campus ministry is that it gives students a community faith setting to be a part of in fellowship. That whatever may be going on in the student’s life whether joyful or challenging, they are connected with a community to share life with. A lot of campus ministries vary in how they are set up as no two are alike, but as a former student and now staff member the value of a campus ministry having its own building is invaluable in my experience. For the ministry at Ball State Christian Campus House it has proved to be a valuable asset in doing ministry where we are able to have gatherings ranging from a weekly service, Bible studies, small groups, service opportunities, and outreach events throughout the week. For our students knowing that the building is available for them to come to if they want to get off campus as we are right beside the university and study at CCH, take time in prayer, talk with a staff member, or simply play games and unwind they can do that at CCH. One of the challenges for a campus ministry that does not have their own building is constantly having to reserve space on campus through university channels or finding space off campus to meet which is also challenging for students who may not have a vehicle if the building is far. With this, we know that God has blessed the beginning roots of CCH in having individuals back in the late 1960’s decide that this ministry needs to have its own building and were willing to take mortgages out on their farms to make it happen. In addition, CCH is a space that we can open up for other ministries or student organizations to meet in when we are not using the building. This has led to furthering our relationships not only with other ministries like Chinese Christian Fellowship, Chi-Alpha, CRU, Awaken Ministries, Cardinal Catholic, Oasis, and Navigators, but also with secular student organizations such as sororities, fraternities, Multicultural Student Organizations such as the Japanese Student Association, Bangladesh Student Association, and Saudi Student Club.

   This has helped students involved with CCH to be exposed not only to other ministries, but also seeing international groups utilizing the building. The International Ministry at CCH has been able to cultivate good relations with the Rinker Center for International Students and Study Abroad at Ball State University. The opportunity to have American students meet international students has helped them grow more in their knowledge of other countries cultures and the world itself. This was something I definitely appreciated as when I first came to Ball State as meeting and getting to know international students was not on my mind nor honestly was interested in. However, within two semesters at CCH, God was at work within me and I slowly got involved with the international ministry. It was then I realized how much of a small rural community mindset I had, haha. In other words, my realization of the broader worldwide community and how God is sovereign over all the earth really began to set in. This was significant in my faith development because it opened up to me the possibility to explore doing missions in another country and this experience helped lead me to Norway. Without CCH, I am not sure if I would have discovered my calling to do ministry.

   While being a Christian student at a secular college may not be deemed favorable or unsafe for one’s faith in the eyes of some, I would not change the blessing and opportunity I have had at a secular college being Ball State University. Mainly because I had a campus ministry community through Ball State Christian Campus House that developed and matured my faith. On that note, I plan to write a blog later this summer on “Christian College vs. Secular College” so I will save more of my thoughts and experience until then.

   Now briefly for my second reason for this blog in raising awareness of the existence of campus ministries across the United States at secular colleges. I want to highlight the Association of College Ministries, which Ball State Christian Campus House is connected with. The Association of College Ministries has over 100 campus ministries and I have attached a link below that will take you to an Interactive Map to help find campuses with ACM ministries in this database. I have also attached a link for Ball State Christian Campus House if you would like to learn more about the ministry.

Association of College Ministries – Campus Ministry Locations

Ball State Christian Campus House

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 NLT

Best Regards,

Derrick Shipley