Our Mission Is To Share The Living Gospel In Norway & Beyond


Since January 1st, 2020, Derrick and Mikaela Shipley have been serving on the mission field in Norway. A calling that has roots all the way back to 2004 in Mikaela’s life (See “Why Norway?”) and then taking hold in Derrick’s life in 2014. Norway is a beautiful small Scandinavian country in northern Europe known for its landscapes, fjords, midnight sun, and vibrant cultural life with a population of 5.4 million people. A first world country that is recognized as one of the most wealthiest countries in the world. Despite all of this, Norway faces a deep spiritual need as less than 3% of the population are practicing evangelical followers of Jesus. Norway is largely secular, atheistic, and shares a common need for the Gospel in relation to western and northern Europe.

Norway is 3.43 times the size of Indiana

Norway is 3.43 times the size of Indiana

We presently live in Stavanger, which is on the southwest coast of the country and is the 4th largest city in Norway with a population of over 146,000 people. Stavanger is home to over 190 different international groups as it is quite a diverse city, partially as a result of the petroleum industry off the coast, being Norway’s largest industry.

Our goal simply put, is to build genuine relationships with Norwegians and internationals that are present in the community. Our mission is primarily two-fold. First, we have partnered in doing ministry alongside a Free Independent Church called IMI Kirken. Second, we have opened an art business as a means of building relationships with the local community. In order to do this, we have partnered with a European based mission sending organization called Kontaktmission. Our relationship with them began in the fall of 2014 and we are blessed to be pursuing God’s calling with such a great European mission sending organization.

We are so blessed to serve here in this mission field and wake up every day excited that we have this opportunity to help build God’s kingdom. It is all God’s timing and we are so thankful for how he has used our time in America to prepare us for Norway. We are humbly thankful for your prayers, encouragement and financial support to go and pursue God’s calling in doing ministry in Norway in spiritual communion with all of our partners! Blessings


About IMI Church

IMI Church is a free independent church we have partnered with in Stavanger, Norway. They are an intentionally driven church in serving the community. God’s Spirit is alive and active in their ministry as we are blessed to serve with them.


About Kontaktmission

Kontaktmission is a networked mission movement empowering Christians worldwide to live out their God-given callings, and sending them out for the building up of His church. We are blessed to be in partnership with KM.

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Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.
— Colossians 4:5-6 NLT